Please ensure your beer commercial or short film…
- features a Columbia Basin craft brewery from those participating in the competition; (See list here)
- is no longer than 3-minutes in length.
- is submitted with at least 2-seconds of black before the first and 2-seconds after the final sound or image element.
- is output in H.264, 1:1 Resolution: 1920×1080 with the title of the film in the file name.
- Content will be judged on its originality, creative departure from mainstream beer ads. Your commercials/shorts should be as original as the breweries you are representing.
- Execution of idea. Technical polish is great, but don’t let your lack of a RED camera or drone deter you from your masterpiece idea.
- Marketing value. Do you make the beer look good? Am I going to want to rush out and fill a growler after watching your ad?
Pay the $25 entry fee by end of September 8, 2019, and submit your completed film to CBCB Film Competition on Film Freeway by October 1, 2019